The Human Design System is a revolutionary science that blends in a unique perspective of four ancient traditions (Ching, Chakras, Astrology, and Kabbalah) with modern sciences – genetics and astrophysics. This unique and powerful tool has proven its efficiency in providing exceptional details on what an individual truly is. It's a synthesis of ancient knowledge and modern science, and a valuable tool for human understanding.
Human Design System introduces you to correct decision-making process which creates a positive outcome which arrives as a result of living your design. It shows you how different you are from others and creates the potential to live your uniqueness without constant resistance that you meet while trying to fit into the wrong understanding of yourself.
Your Bodygraph contains the exact content of your life, your distinctive life experiences and those you’ve met (and will meet). It also tells you about your Type and Authority, as well as the ‘mechanics’ behind your actions. Hearing this information for the first time is an incredible experience and can be shocking. You will recognize the deep truth about yourself when you hear it. From the moment of your chart interpretation, you will discover essential principles that give you practical guidance in your life and help you live a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

"The information that Irina shared with me during my Human Design reading was simply mind-blowing! For the first time in my life, I was able to understand why I see things differently and why others can't see the way I see life... it's because I simply have the ability see through challenges as my 5 of 6 centers are open. I was able to find out how to be of service with others: family, relationships, friends, work, society and community in such a way that would be most beneficial for everyone involved. I was able to know why I love helping others and this reading has helped me determine the most important reason why I came here on this planet – My Life's Purpose!
Every single information shared was amazingly accurate. I was able to digest every aspect of what she shared because she provided simple, clear and realistic examples in the process. I would encourage everyone to get your Human Design reading with Irina – it's transformational, accurate and life-changing! Now I truly have “my guide” so I can live my life to the fullest!
~ Ariel Gamboa Bumanlag
Co-founder, VirtualHelpTeam.com
The Human Design is the science of human differentiation that provides a personal aspect of your human potential. It is a genetic matrix of your DNA which contains information about your natural genius and serving the great purpose which caused you to incarnate on this planet.
When we’re born, we are not being given the manual on how to operate in our family and social settings. Our behavior is usually modeled after our caregivers and we learn to operate based on somebody else’s believes we developed as children. In many cases, these models are unproductive and even harmful to us. But we don’t know how to shift out of this mechanical conditioning, so we try different things which ‘works’ for other people.
Human Design System provides you with your personal manual so you can understand the mechanics of your own design. Each time your mind recognizes a mechanics of your life, it observes and recognizes it in its unique perfection. When people learn about their design, they become truly fascinated about their own perfection and start to truly LOVE themselves. Human Design does not ask you to believe anything. It simply invites you to participate in a potentially life-transforming living experiment.
Your design enables you to understand your uniqueness in this lifetime and see patterns that exist in our life. These patterns not only provide deep insights into your life but also kick starts the awakening process that enables you to see deeply into your nature of reality and perceive the magic that exists within your mundane world.
Read more about this in the 'Four Types' below. Through your Type, you will discover your Strategy and Authority, which is very simple and yet very powerful when you apply it to your everyday life.
At its most basic level, the Human Design System shows us that there are four distinct energy types of human being. Of course, there is much more information that can be accessed, such as defined and undefined centers, gates, lines, numbers, and their positions in your bodygraph. This information is extremely significant and can be interpreted with the help of a professionally trained HD analyst.
There are two energy types – Manifestor and Generator (there is also a combination called the Manifesting Generator which is seen as a sub-section of the Generator category because of the similar aura and shared Strategy).
There are two non-energy types – Projector and Reflector. Each energy type has specific energy centers that can be colored or blank.
There are two subcategories of Generators, Pure Generators and Manifesting Generators. Generators make up around 36.33% of the world’s population and Manifesting Generators around 31.67% according to the latest statistics.
The main difference between them is that, after responding to something, Manifesting Generators can act more quickly than Pure Generators. They experience both frustration and anger as not-self tendencies.
Manifesting Generators are Manifestors with a Generator strategy. They have an immediate resource of energy as they have at least one motor connected directly to the throat. Generally they love to be in the thick of life. Their greatest dilemma is to learn that their true power lies in waiting for opportunities to come to them. If they actively try to pursue their goals and dreams they will encounter only resistance and pain. When they relax, then their lives can be poetry in motion. They have enveloping auras.
Famous Manifesting Generators: Prince William, Sean Connery, Frederic Chopin, Marie Curie, Hillary Clinton, Clint Eastwood, Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Steffi Graf, Marie Antoinette, Mikhail Gorbochev, Jimi Hendrix, Pope John Paul II, Janis Joplin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Richard Nixon, Yoko Ono, Prince

The majority of the population (about 70%) are Generators. All Generators have a defined sacral center. They are designed to respond to life. Unlike manifestors they have no idea of where they are going until they respond.
Therefore they have to wait until life initiates them first. Generators are potentially the most powerful of all the types, but unless they understand how they work, they are the most frustrated people alive. Indeed frustration is their Not-self theme. They only know what is right for them to do or say by their response to something.
Famous Pure Generators: Albert Einstein, Dalai Lama, Bill Clinton, Mozart, Prince Charles, Madonna, Meryl Streep, George Harrison, James Dean, Vladimir Lenin, Thomas Mann, Carl Jung, Judy Garland, Timothy Leary, Oprah Winfrey, Meg Ryan, Greta Garbo, Richard Branson.

Projectors (about 21.74% of the population) are naturally able to work with and guide the energy of others, but only when they are recognized for their unique abilities and traits. Projectors know that they are recognized and appreciated when they receive an appropriate invitation. Without an invitation, the Projector does not know if they will be able to put their talents and abilities to use in any way that is natural or healthy for them.
They are people whose specific gift is to work with and guide the energy of others. They can understand both Manifestors and Generators. They also have a design to wait and the key that unlocks their power is recognition. Unless they are recognized, they meet resistance when moving through life. Once they are recognized by others, they shine and effortlessly live their unique purpose.
Projectors need more knowledge of their own inner design than Manifestors and Generators in order to know what invitations are good for them. When they are recognized for who they really are according to their specific design, they come into their true power. If they attempt to act or to join in without an invitation, they meet resistance and are not recognized by others. They have focused, penetrating auras and some people may feel uncomfortable in their presence.
Famous Projectors: Queen Elisabeth II, Princess Diana, Tony Blair, Karl Marx, Ramana Maharshi, Mick Jagger, Joseph Stalin, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Osho, Napolean, Woody Allen, Salvador Dali, Rudolph Nureyev, Elizabeth Taylor, Fidel Castro, James Joyce, Barbra Streisand, Ulysses S. Grant, Henry Miller, Douglas MacArthur, Demi Moore.

A surprisingly small fraction of the world population (only 8.9%) are Manifestors. In the bodygraph a Manifestor's throat center will be connected by a channel(s) to at least one of the body's 'motor' Centers (except the Sacral), The connection must be directly or indirectly to the root, the heart or the solar plexus.
The fourth motor, the sacral, has to be open otherwise the person is a Generator.
Manifestors are pure energy beings. They are specifically designed not to be controlled by anyone. They are the only true initiators. They simply act or put things directly into action. But they need to inform those who will be affected by their actions what they are about to do before they act.
When they act without informing, they meet resistance because the people involved in the consequences of their actions can feel ignored, or feel like they have been run over by a lorry! As a result Manifestors can end up feeling very cut off from people.
Famous Manifestors: J. Edgar Hoover, Adolph Hitler, Hermann Hesse, Helmut Kohl, J. Krishnamurti, Richard Burton, Johnny Depp, Yogananda Paramahansa, Bette Davis, Jerry Seinfeld, B.F. Skinner, Susan Sarandan, Orson Welles.

The rarest of the four types, Reflectors (1.36% of the population) are open to the world in every way, since they have no fixed definition in their nature to rely upon (none of the 9 centers are colored in). If they do not understand how their design works they can feel deeply lost and overwhelmed by life. They take others in very deeply.
Reflectors are often deeply disturbed due to lack of self-knowledge and adverse conditioning. However they can become very wise if they understand their openness and how to work with it.
Reflectors that do not truly know themselves can be deeply disappointed in life. Before making major decisions, they need to wait out the cycle of the moon (approximately 28.5 days) because the movement of the moon through the wheel of the zodiac gives the Reflector access to his or her own inner wisdom over time.
They have a fixed lunar pattern that repeats every month. Sometimes they can be a Projector, a Manifestor and even a Generator. Reflectors need to understand more about their design and the Human Design System than anyone else to be able to successfully apply their strategy. They have "teflon-coated" auras that do not stick to anyone or anything, moving from one relationship to another, often changing jobs and partners.
Famous Reflectors: Uri Geller, Michael JacGraham Greene (author), Rosalyn Carter (wife of Jimmy Carter), Eduard Mˆrike (a German poet), Thorwald Detlefsen (a German psychologist and author of esoteric literature).